1. Design is Persistent Trying.——设计是不断尝试。
2. Design is Just Making Things Line up.——设计就是让事物排成一行。
3. Design is a Rare Language.——设计是一种不足为外人道也语言。
4. Design is what you do when you don’t yet know what you are doing.——设计是你自己都不知道自己在忙啥。
5. Design is a Nice Way to Say Hello.——设计是say哈啰的好方式~
6.Design is Plagiarism or Revolution.——设计,要么抄袭,要么变革。
7. Design is Something a Programmer Should not do.——设计啊,开发者们没法干。
8. Design is Crap Until it Turns to Gold.——设计,变翔为金的过程。
9. Design is knowing that “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” _ Leonardo da Vinci.——设计,鉴于而不简单。
11. Design is Design.——设计就是设计。
12. Design is Evil.——设计是魔鬼。
13. Design is Cmd + N.——设计就是Cmd+N。
14. Design is Inspiration.——设计是灵感。
15. Design is Staying up Late.——设计就是通宵到天亮。
16. Design is Just Owning a Clip Art Gallery.——设计就是拥有一个画廊般的剪报本。
17. Design is Making a Mess and having fun doing it.——设计是开心的天翻地覆一团糟。
19. Design is Better Than Orgasms (Is it ).——设计比性高潮要猛烈的多。
20. Design is loving the ideas that you have to throw away.——设计是舍你所爱。
22. Design is Love.——设计就是满满的爱。
23. Design is the Most Ubiquitous of all the Arts.——设计是广普艺术。
24. Design is Putting Foucs Where is Matters.——设计就是关注重点。
25. Design is Using Helvetica。——设计就是用Helvetica。
27. Design is Colorful Xerox of Your Mind.——设计是脑海中的彩色复印机。
28. Design is about Colours and Shapes.——设计是五光十色和形状各异。
29. Design is Old Sckool & Funky.——设计既守旧又前卫。
30. Design is More than Just Free T-Shirts and Beer.——设计不只是免费T恤和啤酒。
31. Design is the True Work of the Art.——设计是用艺术来工作。
32. Design is all in the Way you Think.——设计是你思考的方式。
33. Design is Just Layering and Masking.——设计只是图层和蒙板。
34. Design is Patience.——设计就是耐心。
35. Design is Random Colors.——设计是随机色彩。
36. Design is Black and Fuckin’ Pink.——设计是黑色和该死的粉红。
37. Design is Fun.:-D——设计就是个玩!:-D
38. Design is Knowing When to Stop.——设计就是懂得适可而止。
39. Design is Retro.——设计就是复古。
40. Design is Beautiful.——设计是靓丽。
41. Design is a Trend.——设计是一种潮流。
42. Design is Dead.——设计已死。
43. Design is hope.——设计就是希望。